Page 17. Disconnect

✯ Old photo: Past days in the wild.


“It is time to disconnect, disappear and free myself from unnecessary distractions.”

March 2022

It’s time to follow a feeling and create a finer space for healing. And to do so, I sense that it’s best to leave social media, place these diary updates on hold and disappear for many moons.

One day, I hope to return to you. But when? This year? Next year? Longer? In truth, I don’t yet know. Why? Because I feel it’s wise to allow the answer to gently emerge with the unfolding of time. This will help me to create more mental space and enable me to better utilise the precious energy needed to give me a greater chance of healing. If you would like to stay connected with me, regardless of social media or these diary updates, I’d love to continue to share my thoughts and feelings with you via rare newsletters in the “distant” future. The link is above. I hope that these will bring you value and encourage gentle reflection.

The majority of these words were written to my followers on social media, but I’m sharing them here, too because I feel that they may be of interest to those of you who chose not to be present on social media. And I hope they’ll create clarity to why I feel it’s best to pause and refrain from writing these updates for some time.

My time on social media has been an experience of contrasts, exhausting yet strengthening. This essential break is demoralising, but knowing that my words have helped others is heartening. Sharing my thoughts with you and learning from you has helped me reinforce my beliefs that we can grow through adversity and that we can all have a positive impact on the lives of others. You’ve shown me that the world has many beautiful-minded, thoughtful souls with much love in their hearts. I am grateful for your warmth and words of wisdom.

Despite my determination to share with you in the most beneficial way I know, the precious energy needed to create and reply has frequently proved to be far too great to be sustainable. As some of you know, each upload causes consequences; detrimental side-effects such as increased exhaustion, physical pain and mental inability. Evidently, I am not ready for this. If I continue, my perseverance would only become a testament to impatience. Aside from sense and self-preservation, I also want to better honour the words I’ve shared with you and be as true to them as humanly possible. And to do so, I must listen to intuition and practice the self-care necessary for healing.

Therefore, now it is time to disconnect, disappear and free myself from unnecessary distractions. I hope you’ll be here when I return. But most of all, I hope you’ll find more peace and balance in these coming times. And for those who need healing, I wish this for you, too.

With warmth,

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