Davey Walker

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Page 15. A New Chapter.

✯ Old photo: Past days in the wild.

“I’m learning to accept and be grateful for what is while patiently striving for what can be.”

A New Chapter
May 2021

Over 100 days absence from social media. An unplanned retreat, an intuitive act to clear the mind and free myself from unnecessary distractions. My recent escape created more space to reassess how best to nurture my precious energy. Although my health remains in a similar state, there have been fleeting fragments of relief and, on occasions, small windows of opportunity.

My mind remains full of dreams and desires for future days. But I’m learning to prevent determination and forced optimism from creating unnecessary pressures. I’m learning to accept and be grateful for what is while patiently striving for what can be. Acquiring these skills takes effort, patience and discipline. But no matter how small the steps toward a more peaceful mind, I value each one. True mental growth takes time but gives greater freedom and fulfilment.

As you may know, these diaries were originally shared to set the scene for an extraordinary adventure to raise money for charity. However, rarely is a story unaffected by unpredictability. My fragile health dictates my future, and my life’s journey continues to offer multiple lessons of acceptance. But perhaps, with time, this story will one day come to bloom. Until then, it is time to adapt as best I can. It is time for a new chapter.

And one final note regarding my diaries. I’m aware that so far, the rawness of my past realities hold more lessons than they do light. But now this part of my story has been shared, I will do my best to infuse more light into my creations while continuing to share my thoughts with you in the most meaningful way possible. At present, the majority of my creativity is shared through Instagram, but on rare occasions, you may find a new nature, music or mindfulness video on YouTube. The energy there will be peaceful and my thoughts will be reflective. And of course, I will continue to create more perceptions blogs and poetry here from time to time.

In the future, I’d love to regain enough strength to create peaceful combinations of short nature films and philosophical vlogs whilst within the wild places. Although this dream remains far beyond my capabilities, I’ve been holding onto hope and determinedly taking small steps towards these goals over the last few years. Perhaps with, patience, perseverance and better health, my creative vision will one day flourish.

Thank you for your presence.

With warmth,

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