Davey Walker

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Page 12. Holding onto Hope

✯ Old photo: Past days in the wild.

“Just because we can’t feel hope, it doesn’t mean that a situation is hopeless.”

Holding onto Hope
August 2020

A message to those who care, to those who’ve written warmhearted words of encouragement, to those who silently follow and to those who’ve sent me deeply thoughtful private messages. Thank you for staying with me. I’ve been touched by your words, your presence and your kindness.

My absence is no reflection of my desire to create and connect, but a sign of my struggles. I’m losing my ability to write. Physically, mentally, emotionally, I’m fading. Disability’s dissolving hope quicker than I can create it, but as hard as it is, I’m doing my best to fight for better days.

Over the last six weeks, I’ve tried to write words of worth, but after forty hours of forced thought, this is all I have. I don’t have much to give, but I can leave you with the words I need to read.

It’s okay to be scared.
It’s okay to feel weak.
It’s okay to cry and feel empty inside. But, just because we can’t feel hope, it doesn’t mean that a situation is hopeless.

With warmth,

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